Gain releases 'Paradise Lost' music video

Article: Gain releases 'Paradise Lost' MV

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+2,660, -256] Why is she always on the floor..

2. [+2,206, -145] That last cap is an illusion, makes her look so glamorous ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1,729, -103] Why is this MV only rated 15+?

4. [+1,870, -968] The concept's amazing... I wish girl groups who shake their butts thinking it's sexy would learn something from this.

5. [+580, -75] As a fellow woman, it's so embarrassing to see women like Gain and Sunmi wearing nothing but panties and opening and closing their legs like that... you can see everything.

6. [+608, -115] Maybe it's just me but I don't think this is anything good... well freedom of expression, so..

7. [+583, -109] What's up with the music video? Didn't Stellar get so much hate for exposing skin to this extent? But just because it's Gain, it's suddenly considered artistic?

8. [+510, -60] I like the song but the dance and clothes are excessively erotic ㅠㅠ Can't watch it on TV...

9. [+520, -108] I'm a man but I don't find Gain sexy and I'm so sick of all these similar 'Abracadabra' concepts... Gain's one of those stars that women like more than men because men don't find her sexy at all.


Source: Nate

1. [+139, -40] Even as a man, this entire music video is disgustingly sexual with her crawling all over the floor, opening and closing her legs, wearing a bathing suit, all those sexual expressions;;;;; You could mistake this for porn, how hasn't it been caught yet? Women are so obsessed with her;;;;

2. [+123, -31] I don't know what she's trying to express but I don't like how she closes and opens her legs like that

3. [+114, -52] Hyuna would've been ripped to shreds if she released a music video like this but of course women are obsessed with Gain so they give her nothing but praise ㅋㅋ

4. [+28, -22] AM I the only one that likes it? I like the song and the concept. There isn't any other female singer who can pull off a sexy concept like this and still top it off with great vocal talents. I hate that just having a sexy concept gets you hate in this country.

5. [+22, -15] That expression of a snake through dance at the end was amazing... thought I was watching a modern dance performance.

6. [+21, -15] How many solo singers can put out work of this quality? The song's amazing and the dance too

7. [+20, -18] I love all of her songs and everything's so artistic. You can tell how much thought she put into this.
