FT Island releases comeback music video for 'Pray'

Article: FT Island's dark, mysterious hard look for 'Pray'

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,192, -38] It's been so long ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+932, -44] FT Island, let's do well this album!!

3. [+813, -37] I've been waiting, hoping for a daebak!

4. [+716, -33] Do well this time!!!

5. [+221, -11] FNC gave so much media play for CNBLUE and AOA that people were sick of it but of course FT Island gets nothing... that bias...

6. [+195, -7] Don't like how FNC's been putting FT on the backburner when FT's responsible for FNC's success ㅠ

7. [+167, -7] I'm listening to it now and it sounds like their best album release yet

8. [+155, -10] The song's daebak, it gets better the more you listen to it ㅜㅜ

9. [+150, -6] I'm listening to the entire album in order and it's awesome, do well ㅠㅠㅠ

10. [+107, -4] Listening to each song once and it's no joke so far ㅠㅠ
