JYP confirms rookie girl group 'Sixteen'

Article: JYP confirms production of rookie girl group reality 'Sixteen' first broadcast in April

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

16 trainees will be battling for 7 spots on JYP's new girl group. 4 are Japanese, 1 is Chinese.

1. [+1,737, -57] Other companies should cast whoever is eliminated from this team because they'll be more popular in the end.

2. [+1,058, -17] 15&, Sixteen, who's next? Seventeen?

3. [+881, -22] This is tougher than what Youngji had to go through

4. [+90, -0] JYP really loves his numbers. I remember god said on 'Roommate' that their name was originally GOD6. JYP's remained consistent for the past 20 years ㅋㅋ

5. [+83, -0] I think this is cruel... it might be fun for viewers but this is a life changer for those involved.
