DSP to debut new girl group 'April' this year

Article: DSP Media to release girl group 'April' in the first half of the year

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+1,359, -60] Can they do this after Rainbow wins #1..

2. [+1,107, -58] Give Rainbow better songs

3. [+798, -83] The name April has a A Pink + Red Velvet feel to it. Should've gone with an easier name to pronounce.

4. [+624, -10] Why can't they focus on the idols they have already

5. [+530, -196] I'm looking forward to JYP's girl group Six Mix... hurry up, JYP. They all seem so talented and pretty.

6. [+134, -1] Why're they making a new group when they can't even take care of the ones they have

7. [+122, -2] Everyone has the same opinion... take care of the ones you have tsk tsk

8. [+98, -0] With DSP's makjang management, you could have the members with the best dance and vocal talents in the entire universe in one group and they'd still find a way to ruin them.
