Ailee reveals her comeback was rushed to avoid her diet's yoyo effect

Article: Ailee "My diet secret? I ate only 500 calories a day"

Source: Star News via Nate

Ailee revealed that she lost 10 kg in a month eating 500 calories a day and didn't have a comeback planned so she had to rush the release of "Don't Touch Me". "The company CEO suggested that we make my comeback before the yoyo effect came, which is why I rushedly released 'Don't Touch Me'."

1. [+124, -3] I think she gained it back ㅎㅎ

2. [+63, -2] She did not look like this in her pictures from a few days ago... this must've been recorded a while ago.

3. [+28, -1] You'd get anemia if you only ate 500 calories a day..

4. [+11, -3] This must've been recorded 2-3 months ago because she gained back more than she lost recently

5. [+5, -2] It's because you lose weight like that that you get yoyo. Work out instead.

6. [+4, -0] Please don't copy these diets ㅎㅎ Working out is the only way. Starving ruins your body and yoyo gains it back.

7. [+4, -0] We know you gained it back...

8. [+2, -0] Eating anything less than 1,200 calories will 100% bring yoyo
