Actress Shin Joo Ah's marriage to Thai chaebol brought back to attention

Article: Kim Jihoon "Shin Joo Ah got married to a Thai chaebol, she can't speak English but they live fine together"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

"How do they communicate?"

"The two use English sparingly with each other but still live fine. Shin Joo Ah can't speak English but their love still blossomed."

1. [+501, -23] She obviously married him for his money

2. [+489, -19] They can't even communicate, how'd they get married ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 100% married him for his money

3. [+404, -9] How do you get married when you can't even communicate with your partner??? ㅋㅋ


Source: Naver

1. [+3,696, -66] He's a chaebol, as if communication is even a concern. She obviously married him for his money. She can always learn English later.

2. [+3,208, -158] If they can't communicate through language, they must communicate through their bodies ㅋㅋ Probably married him for his money.

3. [+2,818, -59] How do you fall in love with someone using a language sparingly...

4. [+218, -11] I checked her Instagram out and it seemed like she was learning Thai and stuff. Love makes you overcome anything. I mean, she married him after all.

5. [+105, -6] I just don't understand how you can fall in love with someone who you can't communicate with... Lends more weight to people saying that she married him for his money and he married her for her face.


Article: Shin Joo Ah shows off her in-law's house of another scale... luxurious grand home

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+5,178, -260] Seeing her upload pictures like this to show off makes me think she really did marry him for his money..

2. [+4,025, -94] "My husband's grandfather's house" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+3,236, -125] Is it love or money..

4. [+577, -64] What's so wrong with marrying someone for their money? Would you marry someone with a ton of debt just because you love them? Love doesn't feed you. Marriage is not a romance, it's reality.

5. [+303, -8] No wonder she married him even with all of their communication barriers ㅋㅋ
