TV: [Spoilers!!!] Hyde, Jekyll, Me (Pilot)

Article: Pilot broadcast 'Hyde, Jekyll, Me' Han Ji Min saves Hyun Bin's multiple personality

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+498, -14] The drama feels like...... Kim Joo Won.... working in a new company.....

2. [+467, -25] They really cast Hyun Bin for a plot like this?.....

3. [+311, -26] Thought I'd pick this drama up but it's... boring... The plot seems fine but it just feels like they're promoting big companies.

4. [+68, -7] Many problems with this drama. Han Ji Min needs to change her acting style and it's obvious the drama spent all their money on casting the two main leads because the supporting actors suck. Han Ji Min's character hasn't changed at all from 'Rooftop Prince' and Hyun Bin is basically 'Kim Joo Won' all over again.

5. [+64, -2] Watched for Hyun Bin...... but did they seriously think a drama of such poor quality would pass when viewers are used to high quality cable dramas? ㅡㅡ The plot is soooo obvious.


Source: Nate

1. [+392, -60] How is this any different from Secret Garden's Kim Joo Won. The same tone, facial expression, mental illness..

2. [+373, -45] Hyun Bin's handsome but it's a shame that he only picks up the same chaebol roles from 'Samsoon' and 'Secret Garden' ㅠ Show us something new..

3. [+45, -2] Scriptwriter-nim, director-nim... this drama sucks.

4. [+43, -7] Basically Kim Joo Won from 'Secret Garden' in a new drama.

5. [+39, -2] As a Hyun Bin fan, I switched over from 'Kill Me Heal Me' for this but I think I'll be going back to 'Kill Me' tomorrow. This drama's cringeworthy and embarrassing.
