TV: 'Reply' drama chooses 1988

Article: 'Reply' production conference... "This time it's 1988!"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+6,982, -250] At this rate, we're going to get a historical drama version of 'Reply'...

2. [+5,136, -187] They're going to get crazy viewer ratings because they can get the forties, fifties, sixties audience involved

3. [+5,087, -384] Aww, I'm a '90er, I don't think I'll relate much ㅠㅠ

4. [+419, -14] I was an infant in 1988...

5. [+396, -17] This drama's all about who the female lead is... it all depends on who they end up casting.


Source: Nate

1. [+814, -41] I don't care what year they use... but please stop with the husband hunts ㅠㅠㅠ So sick of the 'find who the husband of the lead is!'

2. [+521, -42] 1988 is Jo Yong Pil's era... you'd have to be in your forties today to relate to that era

3. [+487, -40] I'm 33 years old and I don't have any memories from '88 ㅋㅋㅋ May the Olympics??? I think they aimed too high for their target audience.. I guess those in their forties~fifties will enjoy it~~

4. [+41, -0] Who cares? I'm curious to see what society was like back before I was born. And I never experienced the '88 olympics so it'd be cool for me to see it... Even if the younger generation can't relate, I think it's something fun for our own parents to watch and feel nostalgic over.

5. [+39, -10] I want them to do 2002 for the last season of the series
