Suzy's still cut for 'The Hymn' released

Suzy throws aside her beauty to transform into an innocently simple Chosun lady... 'The Hym' still cut released

Source: Joy News 24 via Naver

1. [+15,896, -3,128] This picture is the reason women need make up....

2. [+15,098, -2,543] She's pretty and all but I don't like her acting...

3. [+13,759, -2,288] Why does she keep acting...

4. [+12,846, -5,241] She looks really average, looks like a non-celebrity without make up

5. [+5,056, -1,431] Do people really think she's pretty like this?? There must be prettier rookie actresses... why cast Suzy...

6. [+4,087, -693] I'm fine with her acting and all but a pansori movie? ㅋㅋ When she can't even sing pop music?;;; Please practice your singing instead..

7. [+4,315, -940] Shows the importance of make up...

8. [+3,308, -609] Omona..

9. [+2,955, -662] Uh oh, she looks so average ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+2,743, -671] Who is that?? Guess her beauty's all chalked up to make up

11. [+1,506, -274] For a movie of this genre, they need to cast someone who really knows how to pansori.. it's not something that can be pulled off with some instant lesson. She can't even sing ㅋㅋ

12. [+2,350, -1,271] Don't know why people are hating when her character is supposed to look simple and average ㅋㅋㅋ How is she supposed to look pretty with dirt all over her face. If she wanted to stick to looking pretty, she'd just do CFs for the rest of her career. This puts Suzy in a new light for me, what a hard worker.
