[Pann] Jessica's business is booming?

Pann: Jessica's business seems to be doing well

Apparently Chinese fans come in and sweep up Jessica products, picking out her scarves and sunglasses like they're picking things at a grocery store. She's completely sold out her products and fans even go as far as to buy out her panels and pictures used in the stores. She's also apparently popular in Hong Kong and Japan.

1. [+360, -233] I don't know why Jessica gets hate. From the perspective of a Sone, I can see why you'd be upset with her but for Jessica herself she's picking up a future for herself and doing well. She's not a little girl anymore, she has to grow up from being an idol especially when SNSD is in the last leg of their career. Jessica seems smart with the way she's setting up a path for her future. I guess it's a difference in opinion though.

2. [+100, -75] You read some of the comments and you'd think Jessica committed some huge mistake... but she never missed rehearsals and schedules. It's actually Sooyoung or Yoona who missed schedules for their drama filmings. Jessica never missed an event or concert. And if SNSD really got into a fight, why would SM keep Jessica around? SNSD as a group has already reached the top spot so SM probably recognizes that they can go their separate ways or keep whatever they have. SM profits a lot off of Jessica's royalties ㅋㅋㅋ which is probably why they're keeping her around. I don't get why people have such a huge problem with the members deciding separate futures from each other and living their own lives for once;; I like that she's working hard

3. [+86, -43] Wait, why is the first comment saying SNSD's in the last leg of their career?? SNSD is still the #1 girl group

4. [+56, -5] This Pann is giving false information ㅋㅋㅋ The pictures above aren't from Jessica's business but a sports store that has Jessica as the model so they're holding a fan signing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You can't possibly claim 'Blanc' is doing well with a picture from their opening event last year ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+41, -7] I supported her with SNSD up until I saw her write 'Clean slate...' now I'm just supporting the 8. Why would she want to wipe clean her history as nine members from practicing all the way up to winning #1.

6. [+38, -3] The pictures are clearly taken out of context. I have a friend in Hong Kong that I met when I was studying abroad and she said Jessica's business isn't as booming as they make it sound. Hong Kong itself is in a slump economy wise so there's no way Jessica's business could be doing well... and this conversation was a week ago.

7. [+30, -6] It's only Pann that supports Jessica ㅋㅋㅋ Funny because they always hated on her when she was in SNSD but now that she leaves, they support her and put down SNSD using her?

8. [+30, -26] Jessica's honestly smart. You can only get 10 years at most out of an idol career so it's good that she found something she really wants to do for her future.

9. [+26, -3] Her business tactics are a mess though ㅋㅋㅋ She tells her fans on Weibo that it's cold so please bundle up to get people to buy her scarves and once people called her out on it, she deleted it right away. Barely even comes to Korea and only meets with fans who bought her products in a ticketing war ㅋㅋ She's selfish, I can tell you that much. She's using her fans and Soshi's name.

10. [+22, -1] Leaving the company was her choice but what did she expect when she dragged her members and her agency through the mud in the process?
