[Nate Poll] What country do you want to be born into if you were to be born again?

Poll: If you were to be born again, which country would you want to be born into?

1. Germany/Sweden 48%
The ideal social welfare

2. Canada/Australia 19%
Gifts of nature, best natural environments

3. South Korea 17%
Korean even when born again!

4. Denmark/Bhutan 7%
The happiest countries in the world

5. America/China 4%
The strongest leaders of the world

6. Italy/France 3%
The center of art and culture

7. Other 2%

8. Brazil/Spain 1%
Free spirited passion


1. [+116, -9] Honestly surprised that Korea even has that many votes

2. [+87, -12] Not Korea, that's for sure

3. [+81, -3] When I look at the state our country is in, I am so apologetic to our ancestors who risked their lives to fight for our protection and independence

4. [+16, -0] I like our country but departing from all the issues in our government, economy, and culture, the one thing I hate specifically about Korea is the Korean mindset... People are so stubborn and closed minded and care way too much about what other people think and are obsessed with physical beauty... I'd rather be born somewhere in Europe because of that. I'm so jealous of how open minded they are and understand that communication is key.. They're not afraid to express what they see, how they feel.. I'm always so impressed whenever I read anything by Europeans.. Koreans can never come up with the type of expressions that they can. Korean is a beautiful language but our mindset is not at all beautiful.

5. [+16, -1] I voted for Canada and Australia. I'd rather live seeing the beautiful natural environment. They also have better social welfare than Korea.

6. [+13, -1] Germans get paid well, get off work at 3/4 PM (no ifs ands or buts), high taxes but low price rates, lots of discounts, lots of tax returns, big pensions upon retirement... Korea's the opposite in all of that.

7. [+9, -2] I'd rather just not be born. Living life like this again? No thanks..

8. [+7, -0] I must escape this country

9. [+7, -2] Just being born again is painful enough as it is

10. [+7, -2] If you're guaranteed to be rich, I wouldn't mind being born again in Korea. Otherwise I'd choose any country on that list except Korea.
