Han Ye Seul promises to pay her penalty fees

Article: Han Ye Seul reps, "We apologize for the regulation violation... We will faithfully pay the penalty fee"

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+8,054, -187] So weird how celebrities never do this one standard thing that all non-celebrities all do... and they have their own private professional accountants too.

2. [+7,618, -185] There's a reason a name is up so often on the chopping block. She should be more careful with her life.

3. [+6,671, -649] Hurry, Ye Seul-ah, pack your bags and run away again.

4. [+5,138, -250] It's always the rich that are the stingiest

5. [+4,750, -185] Sigh... every time she shoots a drama, a problem comes up ㅜ

6. [+967, -18] So what if she's pretty... she takes all of our money and spends it overseas.

7. [+949, -22] So pathetic... worry about becoming a basic human being first instead of fixing up your pretty face.

8. [+898, -29] What did we expect after she ran away the first time...
