Glam disbands after three years by contract termination

Article: Lee Byung Hun blackmailer Kim Dahee's 'Glam' disbands "Contracts terminated"

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+952, -6] I feel bad for the remaining three

2. [+636, -6] A nuisance.. a nuisance..

3. [+564, -10] As they say, it only takes one bad mudfish to ruin an entire river. It will be hard for the other members to even join another agency because their image has been ruined.

4. [+493, -87] I feel bad for them, Lee Byung Hun is such a bad man

5. [+333, -7] Aigoo... ㅜㅜ


Source: Naver

1. [+230, -09] Of course they have to disband ㅋㅋㅋ They've been branded as the romantic group.. A pity for the other members.

2. [+209, -5] An unfortunate but inevitable decision

3. [+147, -13] Not like they had a shot at fame anyway, it's good that they disbanded

4. [+111, -19] Who is this group anyway????????

5. [+100, -10] Unfortunate what happened but I wish them success in whatever they pursue individually
