Bada shares a kiss live on radio with 'Gone with the Wind' co-star Michael Lee

Article: Bada and Michael Lee share a surprise kiss amidst their live performance!

Source: iMBC via Naver

1. [+10,171, -348] They went too far... this isn't their musical concert hall

2. [+6,838, -172] I'm pretty sure Michael Lee is married????

3. [+6,361, -209] Just because they want to kiss, they think they can straight up do it... do they think this is America?

4. [+6,224, -132] Off of the pictures alone, you'd think they were dating...

5. [+3,701, -476] They merely performed a kiss that's a part of their performance ㅋㅋ My ears were happy with their singing

6. [+1,070, -19] This wasn't even a musical performance, I don't get why they felt the kiss was necessary on a radio show... He's a married man too, I wonder how his wife feels about this.

7. [+998, -19] It's a radio performance, why do they have to go so far? And he's a married man too it seems

8. [+879, -17] Did they really have to kiss? It's not even a real musical performance... his wife must feel so put off right now.

9. [+863, -12] First time seeing a kiss on a radio show... just who exactly is this fan service for...

10. [+819, -21] What the ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ That's going too far

11. [+620, -9] What do they think they're doing on a radio show

12. [+613, -13] Really? Kissing off stage on a radio show? ㅋ Going overboard, don't you think?

13. [+578, -10] Was the kiss really necessary...

14. [+435, -20] They kissed so naturally off stage and it's not even a performance, are they dating or something

15. [+278, -8] His poor wife... ㅠㅠ
