Choi Siwon says he prefers donations to be kept private

Article: Choi Siwon, "I keep charity donations thoroughly private... the meaning gets distorted once it goes public"

Source: Star News via Naver

"A donation doesn't always have to be something financial. It can be as simple as being there for a friend in need. I haven't donated a lot but I follow a rule of keeping it thoroughly private. The moment a donation is revealed to the public, everything changes. It's difficult to expect genuineness in the act. Like a fruit that has exposed its insides under its skin, the moment the act is revealed to the world, the meaning behind it becomes discolored."

1. [+516, -12] I know everything has their own opinion on it... but donation as an act itself is a good thing whether known or not.

2. [+427, -16] People have different thoughts on it. Nothing wrong with Choi Siwon thinking this way. Whether public or private, what's important is that a donation was made. It's not like he's saying he doesn't want to donate at all ㅋㅋ

3. [+291, -24] I personally believe celebrities and sports stars need to make their donations public... Even if it leaves room to be misunderstood, the meaning of their act has a tremendous ripple effect on everyone else... which is why the majority of foreign stars have charity organizations under their own name and do public donations.

4. [+256, -24] He's so thoughtful

5. [+263, -40] I personally think making donations public is better so that it can spread like a trend and others follow suit and donate along. Just because you go public doesn't mean the worth of your act drops with it.

6. [+45, -2] His mindset is as handsome as his face

7. [+47, -6] You can tell with the way he talks that he grew up in a nice family with good education. He's always humble despite being from a wealthy family and never acts like a show off.

8. [+42, -4] Why does everyone insist on public donations? Choi Siwon means that going public changes the intention of the donation... basically that stars end up only donating to brag/show off... What is that needed for?
