Update on horrifying murder of high school student

Article: Junior high school students involved in the murder and secret burial of high school student sentenced to 6~9 years

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

This is an update to an article I posted earlier about the forced prostitution and eventual murder of a high school student by three 15 year olds and a 24 year old man. The group had taken in a friend who ran away from home and locked her in a motel for a week, forcing prostitution and assaulting her severely before she was discovered dead in the back of a van. The group attempted to hide the body by setting her on fire and pouring concrete over her body before burying her in the mountain.

Update: The court sentenced the three 15 year olds to six to nine years of prison considering circumstances like their young age, being raised in poor family environments that led to them running away from home, and also being involved with forced prostitution, making them also not only the assailants but victims themselves in the eyes of the court.

The 23 year old man responsible for the forced prostitution received a five year sentence.

The court found that while the girls and the man were indirectly involved with the secret burial by discussing it/offering advice and letting it happen, they did not directly murder her themselves (since she was discovered dead) so they were spared from murder charges. Their sentence is a reflection of the "confinement, cruel acts, severe assaults, forced prostitution, and the violation of human dignity" committed against the dead student for a week. Another group of men involved are still awaiting trial.


1. [+1,786, -18] 6-9 years?? Isn't that weak?? They can serve all of that and still come out of jail being in their mid-twenties... I'm getting goosebumps thinking of the girls coming out and acting all clean with aegyo so they can get married and start a new life..

2. [+1,472, -13] It's because they make judgments like this that the second offense rate is so high

3. [+1,335, -16] Fuck, they call this the law ㅋㅋㅋ The law of mighty Korea~ ㅋㅋ Fuck, just laugh it off~

4. [+55, -1] Remember the man who cut a knife at president Park Geun Hye's face back when she was the party representative. That man only got 11 years. But apparently you can go and not only murder but secretly bury a body and barely get 10 years.

5. [+33, -2] Wow, they forced her into prostitution, killed her, and buried her in cement, and they got seven years? They're in their mid twenties after seven years... they'll probably crawl out of jail and continue prostituting themselves, right? This damn law makes it pitiful for the dead.

6. [+29, -2] And the court has the nerve to say they gave out a heavy sentence

7. [+25, -2] They'll be right back in society in their twenties~ I doubt they'll live reformed lives, probably commit even worse things then

8. [+22, -1] Stick a knife in a politician's face and get 10 years, murder someone and hide the body and get.... six years????????

9. [+22, -4] It's actually good for the girls. They can go diet in jail and come out looking their prettiest in their twenties. They can become kkot-baems then.

10. [+18, -1] The country's basically telling our youth to commit all the crimes while you can when you're young. The sentence is so, so very low. I wonder where the lost soul is wandering now, knowing she was murdered so cruelly and never getting the justice she deserves.

11. [+13, -1] I know a girl who murdered two people when she was a freshman in high school and she's 22 years old now and out of jail living as a member of society just fine. This is the reality of Korea ㅋㅋ
