Taeyeon unfollows Baekhyun on Instagram

Article: Taeyeon unfollows Baekhyun's Instagram account 'did something happen?'

Source: 10asia via Nate

1. [+339, -16] Maybe they broke up..

2. [+248, -19] As if unfollowing is anything amazing to have an article written about?

3. [+214, -31] Probably got tired of all the EXO fangirls writing hate on her page

4. [+203, -129] Taeyeon's biggest anti is none other than Taeyeon herself...

5. [+48, -5] Is this really worthy of an article

6. [+46, -45] I know people like Taeyeon around me. People who show that they have beef with someone by unfollowing the person SNS and writing indirect posts about them ㅋㅋㅋ talk about attention seeking

7. [+43, -4] They probably broke up

8. [+33, -40] Taeyeon's really attention seeking if you think about it ㅋ

9. [+26, -19] She's such an attention seeker...

10. [+26, -27] Talk about attention seeking
