[Pann] Tony's scary sasaeng account

Pann: Goose bump inducing celebrity stalker

Tony Ahn: "The most memorable incident for me was something that I've never talked about on broadcast before. I've always struggled with sleep paralysis but it was especially severe one particular night. I began to notice that whenever I was under sleep paralysis, I would always see this specific long-haired woman staring at me in my room.

One day, I came home tired from finishing my schedules so I washed and went straight to bed. While sleeping, I felt that something was weird but I thought I was under sleep paralysis again so I didn't think much of it until I felt something touching my chest. I opened my eyes and saw that same woman stroking my chest."

After finishing his first solo album recording, Tony Ahn returned home earlier than usual and took a break while watching TV. He suddenly heard a sad melody begin playing in his room.

"I thought it was my cellphone but it wasn't ringing and I kept hearing it ring in my home. I heard it coming from the kitchen in the cabinets under the sink. I mean, it's under my sink... I felt scared but opened it anyway and found a woman sleeping in the cabinets. I was so surprised and found out that her cellphone had been ringing the whole time. I woke her up and when she turned around, I realized it was the same woman who had stroked my chest. At the time, I thought I was under sleep paralysis so I had gone back to sleep but after seeing her face, I realized what was happening.

I later found out that she had found out my apartment's door lock number and had snooped around for a week. When I randomly came home early, she hid herself under the sink and accidentally fell asleep. I knew that she didn't try or want to hurt me so I just woke her up and escorted her outside, telling her not to do this ever again."


1. [+92, -0] I would've fainted on the spot

2. [+83, -0] Hul, that's crazy, he must've been so shocked when he opened the sink cabinet

3. [+82, -1] Imagine if it was the opposite scenario, a man hiding out in a female celebrity's apartment. He'd be thrown in jail immediately.

4. [+40, -0] Damn, Tony Ahn has no fear. I wouldn't have opened it until Had a baseball bat to protect myself or just called the police immediately ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+37, -0] I bet that fan is now older an adult, I wonder what she's doing now. I wonder if she reflected over what she did in the past or maybe she's even locked up in a mental hospital somewhere..

6. [+33, -0] Imagine if a male fan did this to a female celebrity

7. [+22, -0] He's such a nice guy... he must've been so scared

8. [+19, -0] It would've been better for him to report her to the police. I get that celebrities live off of their fan's love but that's not love it's a crime...

9. [+10, -0] I used to be a Club HOT and back then, sasaengs were so different than the sasaengs now. Sasaengs now only make up a portion of fanclubs but back then, the entire fanclub did sasaeng things and never felt any remorse or guilt about it at all. Thinking about it now, it's a miracle that the members are even alive today. I remember waiting outside Tony's house and he had come home drunk and scolded me for doing that. I was so immature, the first thing I did was go home and write a fan account about it online. Then other fans got jealous and waited outside his home too ㅠㅠ Sigh, I was so crazy... Can't imagine how stressed the members were at such a young age.

10. [+4, -0] I'd be scared to even enter my home as a celebrity ㅠㅠ
