LOVELYZ show their elf like charms on 'Music Core'

Article: 'Music Core' LOVELYZ proves themselves as elf idols... lovely charms galore

TV Report via Naver

1. [+5,368, -174] Isn't it about time for the investigation results to be out? Don't you dare think of dragging this out until people forget about it.

2. [+5,274, -576] ....... Their visuals are so average, what're people drawn to them for???

3. [+4,791, -423] So much media play ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Their faces are all below average too

4. [+4,277, -351] So tired of these girl groups with the same concepts. I want some real talent.

5. [+3,811, -271] They certainly got their name out there but their debut's a failure

6. [+1,761, -112] Let them go and pay more attention to INFINITE. Raising INFINITE to be the best would be a bigger profit to them.

7. [+1,413, -65] Driving me nuts ㅋㅋ Never media played for INFINITE F and fans didn't even find out until we saw a teaser on Music Core ㅋㅋㅋ meanwhile these girls get media play over the littlest things..

8. [+1,251, -139] Obvious concept, boring song, no vocal talent, no pretty visuals... they're going to disappear fast despite all this media play from their company... Their role model's Soshi but they're going to have to grit their teeth through a lot of work to even make it up to the soles of their feet.

9. [+1,107, -121] It's obvious what they're doing here. Their company's too small to get them as big as Soshi, they copied A Pink's concept but they're running out of media play material for that... they have no talent within the group either.

10. [+962, -51] ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Has woollim always been this good with media play? First time finding out as an INFINITE fan

11. [+690, -42] Woollim must be making a lot of money with INFINITE. Been seeing LOVELYZ articles often on the main page lately.
