High school student hangs herself after her college entrance exam

Article: Female high school senior commits suicide by hanging herself after college entrance exam, suspected to be because of stress over grades

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

19 year old 'A' had previously told her family her concerns over her low predicted test grade and was scheduled to go on a school trip with the other test takers the next day. While her family was out for dinner, she hung herself in her room after a final phone call with her father. She did not leave a will.

1. [+905, -52] Hul... I understand that at that age, the college entrance exam feels like the only most important thing in your life... but it's so sad. I took the test 11 years ago and I'm 30 years old now. I failed the test miserably but here I am today, living just fine. To all of the high school seniors who failed the test and have to take it again and those who are contemplating suicide over it... I know that the test makes up a big part of your life but please realize that it isn't everything.

2. [+783, -40] It's because our society is in such a rush... Our society rushes everything, that's why students kill themselves. Other countries don't have students killing themselves over low test grades... but our society is just too unstable.

3. [+750, -46] If only she had seen the bigger picture. Who cares if she never gets into a big company or a top college. She could've always just lived simply by finding something she enjoys doing.

4. [+39, -3] There's one undeniable fact and that it's every year, we will have students committing suicide over their grades. This is not normal at all. Is the only point of our education entrance into top colleges and companies?

5. [+38, -2] She was probably told over and over that the test was the single most important thing in her life.

6. [+31, -4] The thing that's hypocritical about us is that when a student refuses to take the college entrance exam (there was an article earlier about a group of students who protested the exam), everyone was criticizing them saying they'll get nowhere with just a high school degree and that their lives were screwed if they don't graduate college... but here we are again now saying that college isn't everything.

7. [+21, -1] The problem with our society is that we are merciless against those who make a mistake or fail.

8. [+19, -1] If only she had waited five years, she would've realized that the test is not everything in life...

9. [+18, -3] Everyone in the comments can say all this because it's been years since they've taken it... but to high school seniors, the test is literally everything.

10. [+16, -1] Society has murdered her...
