Girl group cat concepts

Article: From T-ara to AOA, girl groups with the charming 'cat concept'

10asia via Naver

1. [+151, -17] Who knew T-ara would end up like they did during their Bo Peep Bo Peep era...

2. [+89, -21] But T-ara at the height of their fame was more popular than A Pink, Girl's Day, and SISTAR. Too bad they dug their own grave.

3. [+71, -10] T-ara may be the nation's anti group now but during their Bo Peep Bo Peep days, they were just so cute with the song and choreography concept.

4. [+66, -15] Honestly, no one can follow T-ara's cat dance. When I hear cat dance, I first think of T-ara.......

5. [+42, -5] T-ara's the legend when it comes to the cat dance. They shot straight to #1 with it.

6. [+91, -55] Soshi's the only girl group that hasn't showed skin yet;; sexy concepts shorten your lifespan as a girl group, what a shame.

7. [+34, -3] Bo Peep Bo Peep was a legendary song. It got T-ara's first #1 win and they swept all of the awards with it. Hit #1 on the Oricon as soon as they debuted with that song too. So many boy group parodies and YouTube covers by foreigners.

8. [+33, -2] T-ara's older songs are amazing no matter when you listen to them
