7 year old Won Bin lookalike on 'Star King'

Article: 'Star King' 7 year old Won Bin lookalike 'stirs the crowd'

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+688, -4] Looks like Hwang Chansung

2. [+661, -5] ???

3. [+532, -8] Come on ㅡㅡ He doesn't look anything like him

4. [+30, -1] I really hate writing negative things on articles about kids... but come on, broadcast people.. Is Won Bin a joke to you?

5. [+26, -0] He's certainly handsome but doesn't resemble Won Bin at all


Source: Naver

1. [+19,307, -145] Am I weird that I'm not seeing it... where does he resemble him???

2. [+15,621, -146] Kid, I normally don't put down little kids like you but don't mess with Won Bin

3. [+14,580, -103] He's handsome but no Won Bin

4. [+11,367, -239] Doesn't resemble him at all... is this kid getting ready to debut soon?

5. [+10,568, -128] He's messing with a god right now

6. [+1,223, -11] He looks more like Chansung than Won Bin

7. [+988, -13] Guess we won't find out till he's older

8. [+893, -10] Don't hate the kid but the adults who forced this on him
