Younha releases 'Wasted'

Article: [Jukebox] Younha releases 'Wasted', affectionate emotions amidst restriction

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+590, -18] Younha seriously struggles for popularity when she's so talented

2. [+301, -12] Finally it's released. Heard Nell's Kim Jongwan composed and wrote it so I'm looking forward to hearing it.

3. [+246, -10] Love you, Younha unni ㅠㅠㅠ ♥♥♥

4. [+223, -13] Her new song is so sentimental ㅜㅜㅜ Makes me think of my ex-girlfriend as I'm listening to this in broad daylight...

5. [+48, -2] I don't get why people are calling her not popular when she's been releasing albums consistently since her debut with a lot of great songs. She has a distinctive style and a considerable mania fanbase to her emotional ballads. Just because she doesn't hit #1 on music shows as soon as she releases a song doesn't mean she isn't popular. She's already been walking the path of an individual musician for a long time already.

6. [+30, -2] I'm so nervous... I don't want a good song like this to be buried.

7. [+24, -2] She's got the looks and talent, all you need for a singer... but her achievements are always so lackluster ㅠ I really hope she hits daebak this time

8. [+20, -2] The song feels like a deviation from her usual style. I'm not really feeling it because it builds up to a climax without giving a climax. I personally like songs like 'The Real Reason We Broke up'! Either way, I highly recommend Younha!
