Yeeun talks about the possibility of a Wonder Girls comeback

Article: Yeeun "Wonder Girls comeback? You'll be able to see it soon if you wait"

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+5,805, -107] Upsets me to think of the height of their fame during Tell Me ㅜㅜ

2. [+4,747, -498] What is she talking about when Sohee's already joined another agency?

3. [+3,817, -444] What does she expect to do with just the three of them including Yoobin and Lim? Sohee's left and Sunye may as well have left too with her irresponsibility towards her own team. There's no hope for a reunion... unless you're talking about a project album a few years from now. They're different from god, their fame won't last once time passes.

4. [+2,625, -340] Soon?... I doubt it, they don't have Sohee..

5. [+1,989, -226] I'll be waiting ㅎㅎ

6. [+386, -43] Sohee did not leave. Her agency may be different but her contract terms allows her to promote with the Wonder Girls.

7. [+334, -18] Girl groups nowadays are indeed pretty but they don't have any hit songs like Tell Me, Nobody, Gee, or Mister ㅜㅜ

8. [+273, -27] Sohee moved agencies but she did not leave the WOnder Girls ^^ She can reunite with them~
