L regrets people looking at his looks over his talent

Article: INFINITE L "People stereotype me based on my looks... my talents aren't given light"

Source: TV Report via Naver

"Honestly, people stereotype me a lot and they don't look at my talents under my physical traits. I'm a greedy person (when it comes to achievements) and I want to become an L that everyone acknowledges. I'm a singer and I'll work hard at it. Everything I do is thanks to INFINITE. With every opportunity I'm given, I want to become a multi-entertainer who his fans aren't embarrassed of. I'm achieving everything I'm talking about and I think I'll continue to improve."

1. [+7,746, -395] DiCaprio is recognized for his talents. As long as you're talented, people will eventually acknowledge your talents even if they look at your physical traits first.

2. [+6,000, -940] Hmm..........?

3. [+6,349, -2,251] Does he even have talents?

4. [+4,613, -3,042] L's singing is decent... He's improved a lot since his debut and pulls off high notes well too. It's always the people who don't know him who put him down...

5. [+843, -301] I don't know about his acting but his singing has definitely improved. Work harder and improve more, fighting.

6. [+909, -370] L's improved a lot to the point where he's taking on the chorus for 'Back' and he's doing great now. I like that his original personality is coming out more and is expressing a lot of things to his fans and treating them well. Myungsoo-ya, fighting.

7. [+789, -290] But listening to him singing nowadays shows that he's improved a lot. He pulls off his high notes well.

8. [+785, -310] I heard INFINITE sing Diamond or something and L really improved skill wise
