Police to launch investigations into illegal use of AOA Mina's picture

Article: [Exclusive] Police accept investigation requisition for AOA Mina's illegal picture use on adult site on the 15th

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+613, -15] I bet if a non-celebrity submitted a report, they'd just be like, "We can't catch that"

2. [+477, -32] How are they going to catch that........??????????

3. [+250, -41] Find whoever did it and release his identity and familial relations in front of the city hall

4. [+95, -35] Judging by FNC's track record, I bet this is just media play to get Mina known since she's been buried by Girl's Day's Minah

5. [+27, -3] Isn't their stage performance on adult site level anyway? They touch their thighs and brag about wearing short skirts..

6. [+27, -6] Not many people knew but now everyone will know~~~~ ㅋ

7. [+20, -0] They're never going to catch the culprit and they're never going to get the picture taken down either. Soshi pictures are still stuck up there.

8. [+49, -35] This has to be noise marketing for public recognition ㅋㅋ The previous article about this had her name on the #1 search rankings. That adult site isn't even a Korean domain. They obviously know it's a foreign sign and they obviously know they'll never catch the culprit, what do they expect to achieve?
