Stars encourage voting with proof shots

Article: Stars busy heading to the voting booths in the early morning "For the good of Korea's future"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+405, -24] I hope this helped increase voter participation..

2. [+488, -140] But must stars take proof shots?..

3. [+315, -35] I think it's weird that stars are taking proof shots

4. [+369, -128] Voting's something everybody should be doing, I hate to see stars putting up proof shots all the time

5. [+92, -8] Obviously everyone should vote but there are people who still don't so stars are encouraging people to with these proof shots. Don't be such a hater. Go vote if you haven't yet instead of leaving hateful comments.


Article: Hwang Chansung violates election law... deletes + immediate apology

TV Daily via Nate [2]

1. [+311, -94] Probably took a proof shot to show off how awake and aware he is of society's ongoings ㅋㅋ

2. [+278, -94] Last time he quoted some difficult text to act like an intelligent ㅋㅋㅋㅋ and now he's like this ㅋㅋ

3. [+252, -83] Had a feeling this would happen to him

4. [+42, -13] Dumb~

5. [+32, -5] I knew he would mess up. He's voted how many times now, how could he not know? There had to be other intentions.

6. [+65, -6] Chansung-ah, staying quiet will at least get you even

7. [+70, -12] Farewell, farewell~ Hwangcrates ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seems he was too busy studying philsophy to know about the law~ How about you read the newspaper for once

8. [+60, -8] Chansung will do fine if he just quits Twitter


Article: Clara, controversial voting proof shot "Exposing skin even while voting?"

Dailyan via Nate

1. [+910, -61] I think people who haven't voted yet should be more controversial than Clara who has already voted

2. [+806, -67] She's not doing anything illegal, she's wearing what she wants to vote, what's so wrong about that?

3. [+665, -78] Not controversial at all... seems like an overreaction.

4. [+22, -8] Just leave her alone...

5. [+17, -7] Not her fault she has a big chest ㅋ The same attire wouldn't look as sexy on someone with a smaller chest.
