High school purposely serves a meager lunch to teach kids the importance of 6.25 Korean War day

Article: Lunch menu controversy... To experience the Korean war, school puts out 'steamed potatoes'

Oh My News via Nate

A high school in Korea served their students steamed potatoes and a shikhye drink for lunch on June 25th to make them stop and think about the importance of the day as well as experience what people went through at the time of the war. The rice not used this day was donated to the families of the war veterans.

1. [+822, -63] Looked at the picture at first and wondered what was going on but after reading the article, I think it's a great idea. Kids will not have their growths stunted by missing a meal one day and I think it's a great opportunity for them to stop and think about the Korean war.

2. [+720, -18] A pitiful country that our war veterans can't even properly live in

3. [+665, -47] No need to call it a controversy, it's just for the experience.

4. [+50, -11] It's a great idea. It's just one meal, it won't kill them. They can use the extra money they saved today to make their next lunch even better.

5. [+40, -8] There are a lot of kids who are misinformed about 6.25. Giving them less food for one meal and making them curious about the importance of the day is a good idea.

6. [+30, -6] They won't die by missing a meal. Sometimes physically experiencing something is a better lesson than learning from the book.

7. [+29, -17] It's merely one meal. It's not like the kids are being starved until the armistice day three years later.

8. [+23, -5] It's an opportunity for students to stop and realize that their ancestors protected their country by getting the energy to fight off of these tiny meals.
