Five ways Instagram has changed our lives

Article: Five ways Instagram has changed the world

Ize via Naver

Article lists five different ways Instagram has impacted the world in some way: creating the widespread trend of taking selfies, allowing fashion companies to cast their own models and ideas by the use of hash tags, turning any average 17 year old into a photographer, changing the way photography is handled in magazines, and the creation of the LOMO camera.

1. [+725, -59] You can't forget the 'Taeng kyung very much' that refreshingly hit fans on the back of the head

2. [+450, -28] It also ruined many careers too

3. [+423, -20] My Instagram's basically a foodstagram

4. [+207, -18] And #6. Taeng Kyung ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+65, -14] When I think of Instagram, I'm reminded of Taeyeon and the backstab I suffered

6. [+57, -9] Instagram is nothing but tryharding, showing off, and disguising reality.

7. [+56, -10] A place where everyone can gather to show off material goods ㅎ

8. [+28, -2] Lovestagram ~♥ Taeng Kyung very much
