Girl's Day to comeback with a bubbly concept in June

Article: Girl's Day pushes comeback to June... 'bubbly' concept still a go

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+370, -40] I hope it's a song like Twinkle Twinkle

2. [+337, -31] Instead of sexy battles, girl groups should try to do innocent battles ㅋ

3. [+241, -30] People forgot what type of group they used to be but Girl's Day's representative image was Twinkle Twinkle~~ cutie image. I really love that they're going back to that.

4. [+184, -35] Seems male high schools will go crazy come June ㅋㅋ They went crazy with A Pink's comeback

5. [+30, -2] Feels like it was yesterday they were promoting 'Something' and it's already May, ahhhhhhh

6. [+32, -5] Keeping up with the sexy concept will ruin their image. Go back to the Girl's Day you used to be.

7. [+24, -1] Girl's Day was the best in 2012...

8. [+30, -7] It's good that they're not like other groups trying to rob an empty house
