Chansung to star in a Chinese virtual dating show

Article: 2PM Chansung to start a 'virtual relationship' with 10 year older Chinese actress

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+1,589, -19] Why are there so many new virtual dating shows????

2. [+1,490, -33] Why does 2PM not promote in Korea?

3. [+1,530, -85] Sucks that he has to pretend to be in a love with someone so old just because his agency is making him...

4. [+1,044, -14] So the Chinese version of 'WGM'

5. [+150, -5] 2PM's on too many dating shows... Each member has at least been on it once, way too much.

6. [+139, -7] 2PM are singers. I want to see them where they can sing. Dating shows, virtual relationships... stop.

7. [+107, -6] When are they going to release a new album????

8. [+128, -34] 10 years his senior... talk about torture. Find strength.

9. [+75, -3] Stop making 2PM do virtual dating shows. It pisses me off as a fan... more than half of the members have been in one already;;

10. [+74, -6] JYP-nim, do you only view 2PM as material for dating shows??? Chansung-ah.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
