Busker Busker disbands? Jang Bum Joon looks to form a new band

Article: [Exclusive] Busker Busker disbands?... Jang Bum Joon forms a new band

Source: Oh My News via Naver

1. [+2,709, -50] Always knew Busker Busker members were of a business relationship..

2. [+1,538, -33] Hul how could this happen....

3. [+1,625, -151] This has to be betrayal ㅜㅜ

4. [+1,503, -153] Ah, seriously ㅡㅡ He does all the things I hate

5. [+945, -47] ????????

6. [+498, -36] Seeing as how Hyungtae found work at a company, I don't think he ever thought of treating music as a business but just as a hobby. Jang Bum Joon was the only one who wanted music as a career and asked the rest of them to form a temporary band to audition with, it seems? And they did better than they thought and went through the whole success ordeal before finally going their own separate ways again.

7. [+397, -18] I'm sure there's a reason but I am disappointed...

8. [+304, -13] Hul, I don't think his new band can live up to his original one... He'll always be left with more to desire. The band's been with him since Superstar K ㅠㅠ

9. [+341, -59] I never liked him as a person. He purposely stuck in Kim Hyungtae in the band for Superstar K and looked down on him. There's a problem with his character.

10. [+286, -31] I don't think Jang Bum Joon is necessary betraying the members. Brad never seemed to like Korea and he never really enjoyed life as a singer in Korea either. I bet it's a mutual disbandment.


Source: Nate

1. [+81, -5] Busker Busker had other original members and added Brad and Kim Hyungtae specifically for Superstar K. But those two always got into scandals on top of putting Korea down... Jang Bum Joon helped them make money, they should be grateful for him. Kim Hyungtae also found a new job at a company and Brad also formed a drum band... They're the ones who left the band first.

2. [+63, -7] Hul??????????

3. [+40, -4] Honestly, any band can make it with Jang Bum Joon. He has such good composing skills with a great voice. The other members weren't outstandingly talented or anything.
