AOA and Davichi mark their comebacks for June

Article: AOA to make official comeback in June since 'Miniskirt' 5 months ago

Mydaily via Naver

1. [+393, -59] They got popular off of 'Miniskirt' but I liked them after seeing them on Chungdamdong 111 ㅋㅋㅋ They seemed to work hard, hope they hit daebak

2. [+335, -49] I didn't hear 'Miniskirt' until way later because of Girl's Day's 'Something' but I'm into it now... The song's good.

3. [+270, -48] I hope it's an album that shows off their color as a band

4. [+223, -44] Please let it be a cute band concept...! I want a band concept... AOA fighting.

5. [+44, -11] Hope to see Seolhyun this time. They didn't shine as much as they could with 'Miniskirt' because they didn't have Seolhyun... She's daebak, especially her legs... gulp.


Article: Davichi to comeback after a year and 3 months... first time working with Brave Brothers

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+549, -23] Can trust Davichi to live up to expectations

2. [+444, -41] True masters of the digital charts. I've loved all their songs thus far.

3. [+335, -22] I download Davichi songs without even listening to it first

4. [+39, -4] Their only flaw is that they're under Kwang Soo... this is the last of their contract so I hope they get new wings in a better place.

5. [+35, -1] Kang Minkyung's good but Lee Haeri's vocal talent is really one worth noting.
