After School fans claim it was a misunderstanding and apologize to the members

Article: After School fanclub, "There was a misunderstanding" Apologizes to members and reconciles

OSEN via Naver

1. [+872, -16] They're suddenly trying to resolve all of this hastily

2. [+645, -40] The Pledis agency is the wrong in all of this but I heard that the fans who put out that union are close friends in real life who have their own fandom 'empire' created amongst themselves and are on personal speaking terms with the members as well... Whatever they wanted, they made sure the agency complied with, and staff were changed several times as per their request. Seems like an instance where they weren't given the special treatment like usual made them hyper angry and write up that boycott union only to have it backfire with the members getting all the hate. Real After School fans then turned on them and they had to take back their boycott... tsk tsk.

3. [+477, -38] They lost some of the few fans they have left. It's important to be nice to begin with. Yoo Jae Suk isn't the top for 10 years now for no reason.

4. [+379, -15] No point in them making up with the fans and reconciling everything when the public is already aware of what happened.

5. [+125, -0] The agency, fans, members.. are all weird.

6. [+111, -1] I don't think it was a simple misunderstanding when all recording long, the members didn't look at their fans... Other idols were so busy giving fan service to their fans in that time.

7. [+85, -0] Looks like the members gave them a call and made them make up by letting them listen to their voices ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+84, -1] They caused all this fuss and now they made up? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is this a joke?

9. [+67, -6] They basically called up a few of their otaku fans and let them hear their voices so of course the fans are going to take it back.

10. [+55, -6] As expected of fans from singers such as them. Stupid of both of them. From now on, After School and their fans better shut up. Did they think they were shooting a movie on their own just now? Talk about a joke.

11. [+47, -4] Did the agency give the fans some money? Just yesterday they were acting as if they weren't going to see them ever again and now they reconciled?? Something smells.

12. [+38, -3] Make up all you want, your image is already down the drain and nobody cares anymore.
