Rumors of MC Mong's return to the industry earn mixed responses

Article: [Exclusive] MC Mong, agencies contacting him under the table...

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+5,774, -2,075] Find strength. You've done enough. Release some music.

2. [+4,916, -1,774] I really want to hear MC Mong's music

3. [+4,217, -1,603] MC Mong-nim, if it's too much for you to go on TV yet, at least return to music ㅜㅜ I miss you

4. [+3,884, -1,627] Enough is enough. I just really want to hear your music.

5. [+3,454, -1,415] I want to hear your music!!


Article: [Exclusive] MC Mong plans to sign contract with Well Made Yedang

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+632, -71] Sigh, if he had just served his two years, he would already be back and doing fine, fool~

2. [+484, -36] Even if he wants to come back, antis are just something he has to deal with. The minute he made the choice to evade the army, it's what he has to live with now.

3. [+534, -123] As expected, he's crawling back out again ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+64, -103] I truthfully want to listen to MC Mong~ People who've done worse than him are already out... and he reflected for a long time. I support his comeback.

5. [+34, -5] It's about time for his money to run out... All he has to do is crawl back out, cry a little, sell his emotions.. then the women will be like, "Oppa~ we missed you We want to hear you sing~~♥" No matter what, don't forget that you are the enemy of all men. No excuses can ever replace the army. Might as well go promote in China with Yoo Seung Jun, what a perfect duo.


Article: MC Mong says "No plans yet" on rumors back to the entertainment industry

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+419, -24] Forget him, I better not see Sangchu on TV, though

2. [+302, -72] I think he's been reflecting the longest for any celebrity in history who's committed a mistake. He's still bad, though.

3. [+114, -31] So he's still tossing things out to the media to check public sentiment, eh?

4. [+38, -49] Enough's enough... I want to listen to his music is all.

5. [+33, -32] Whatever the case, I want to listen to his music.
