Fan faints at EXO's comeback showcase

Article: [TDPhoto] Female fan faints at EXO's showcase, carried out

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+691, -140] Is EXO... like HOT and Shinhwa in the past? ㅠㅠ I guess I'm getting old now... how sad

2. [+522, -121] People are so mean. This can happen at any concert. Don't laugh at someone who has fainted.

3. [+506, -105] Sad that she went there to see them only to faint ㅠ Must be disappointed

4. [+52, -7] There are often cases of people fainting from the lack of oxygen due to the nature of the standing seats rather than flat out being too excited.

5. [+51, -8] In the front, people are constantly pushing you and it's easier to be dehydrated when you're constantly sweating... For people with bad stamina, it's better to just stand in the back with more room and listen to the music.
