Nana's still proud of being #2 on TC Chandler's list... heh

Article: Orange Caramel Nana, "I'm proud of being the #2 most beautiful in the world"

Source: OSEN via Naver

"I think it's a survey done once a year but I was the first Korean to rank #2 so I'm really proud of that."

1. [+138, -24] I'm more amazed over her taking it seriously.....

2. [+72, -8] That beauty ranking was done by some site's admin and a couple of his friends tsk tsk. His friends are K-Pop fans which is why there are so many Korean women in the list.

3. [+59, -10] She's taking it seriously on her own..

4. [+43, -17] The difference in beauty standards between America and Korea... there are so many prettier girl group members.

5. [+25, -11] What exactly were our top actresses doing while Nana was winning #2 in the world?

6. [+10, -1] I almost cried thinking the female population had been wiped out except for two women!
