Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossom Ending' climbs back into the top 10

Article: Winter passes and spring arrives even in the music industry... 'Let It Go' -> 'Cherry Blossom Ending'

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+3,657, -57] Get nervous, idols. 'Cherry Blossom Ending' is on its way.

2. [+3,063, -39] I know this is random but imagine how much money they make off of 'Cherry Blossom Ending' royalties.

3. [+2,580, -89] We'll be listening to a lot of 'Cherry Blossom Ending' and 'Spring Spring Spring' on the streets now!

4. [+2,332, -36] I think they could live off of this song for the rest of their lives

5. [+481, -14] Cherry Blossom Zombie ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ comes back alive every spring

6. [+406, -14] Now, spring doesn't officially start until 'Cherry Blossom Ending' comes back on the charts ㅋㅋ

7. [+342, -34] In the far future, when the earth no longer has a spring season, and our future generations ask what spring was like, 'Cherry Blossom Ending' is the song we will tell them to listen to and say this is what our spring was like.

8. [+315, -15] 'Yeosu Night Ocean' was really nice to listen to on a rainy day..

9. [+263, -36] We need more songs like this that are never forgotten instead of sajaegi albums and trash growling songs bought up by fans.

10. [+159, -12] When the cherry blossoms bloom, I bet you 100% the song will be #1 again
