A Cube to take action against A Pink's leaked album jacket photo

Article: A Pink's jacket images leaked... agency, "We will confirm and take powerful action"

Sports Seoul via Naver

1. [+803, -21] Not something that big of a deal to be taking powerful action over... The picture's even being used in this very article..

2. [+655, -18] So basically a successful attempt at noise marketing

3. [+556, -13] ? It's my first time seeing it and it's through this article

4. [+457, -23] Good marketing tactic...!

5. [+84, -8] Not something to be taking powerful action... and why is it included in this article if it wasn't meant to be leaked? ㅋㅋㅋ I don't even think A Pink's at the level where they need noise marketing like this, what's up with it ㅋㅋ

6. [+73, -6] Not even a song leak but a jacket image ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Obvious noise marketing

7. [+66, -5] Seems like they don't even care that it's leaked seeing as it's being used

8. [+65, -8] Noise marketing ㅋㅋ Nothing to make such a big deal out of
