4minute performs 'Watcha Doin Today' on 'Music Bank'

Article: 'Music Bank' 4minute's 'Watcha Doin Today' stage

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+272, -18] The maknae and leader... need to work on their singing... You're singers, after all...

2. [+277, -29] Honestly, I'm not feeling this song...

3. [+140, -17] Their outfits are actually the most wholesome I've seen in a while?

4. [+17, -7] Bad song, bad dance, bad live, all bad;;;;;;;;

5. [+15, -10] They lip synced from start to finish... and Nam Jihyun? Is that her name? Had barely one line and couldn't even sing that. Ugly to boot!!

6. [+15, -8] There's nothing sexually suggestive about their dance or clothing... seems people are just looking for a reason to hate ㅠㅠ

7. [+15, -6] Hyuna and the Kids

8. [+14, -1] The maknae and Hyuna got so much camera time

9. [+11, -5] The song itself is so bad... the song buries the members. If another rookie had done this concept, they would've been taken off broadcast after a week of promotions.

10. [+5, -0] Anyone else feel that it's similar to What's Your Name?;;
