Fans attend MC the Max's fan signing

Article: MC the Max, the fans have forgiven them... a successful first fan signing

Source: Sports World via Nate

1. [+427, -54] Then I guess all of the women in that picture are understanding of prostitution and consider it no big deal

2. [+401, -58] Give me a break with the double standards then and forgive Go Young Wook ^^

3. [+347, -22] So what is their logic... they can hate on his penis but not his vocal cords?

4. [+26, -7] I still haven't listened to an MC the Max song yet

5. [+22, -6] I've always loved all of MC the Max's songs and praised their talent but after the scandal... I tried to listen to their new song and realized what the word disgusting truly feels like. I just can't listen to it.

6. [+21, -11] Their song's great.. and I waited a long time to hear his voice again.. but I don't think his crime is anything forgivable.

7. [+15, -5] Someone open up a fan signing for Go Young Wook too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So gross... not even anything else but the prostitution of a minor ㅋㅋㅋ It's true that his talents are unrivaled but just seeing his face is enough to gross me out

8. [+15, -3] I saw a 2013 live concert version of his song on the charts and I thought.. damn, what kind of women are the people who attended one of these concerts and sat there screaming over him?

9. [+12, -2] Korea's fan power is so amazing... to the point where celebrities who buy prostitutes, do drugs, drink and drive, beat people up are all forgiven.

10. [+11, -2] Seeing things like this make me wonder if female kids even have a brain. Do you really want to attend the fan signing of a criminal who bought an underaged prostitute? I remember reading his articles that there was a girl who was kidnapped and forced into the prostitution ring against her will and that her cries for help were ignored. The pimp even said that he specifically requested a minor...;;; A lot of female fans are commenting saying that they didn't know he was a criminal but it's so pathetic that you all are just chasing after stars, calling yourselves a fan, without knowing anything. I know that it's probably just a minority but sometimes it feels like the majority that are like this. It's because of women like them that all of Korea's women get hate.
