
Article: Girl group member 'A' sneaks a picture of fellow member... erotic legs under her skirt

Source: Newsen via Nate

Jaekyung: "Hyunyoung-ah, unni will make your legs look long"

1. [+243, -14] Share these types of pictures amongst yourselves.....

2. [+179, -21] This is really going too far;;

3. [+144, -12] I can see the dirt between her toes

4. [+27, -4] Girl groups really are like the sales section of the grocery store... a battle for who can sell themselves in the cheapest way.

5. [+21, -6] Aren't you embarrassed to see your parents... You don't know the difference between sexiness and dirtiness... Please consider your parents before you do actions like this.

6. [+12, -0] Okay, let's say the picture was okay enough to take... but why even upload this on SNS?

7. [+7, -0] Absolutely desperate for attention
