Police arrive at EXO's SK fan signing

Article: Police arrive at EXO's fan signing 'chaos ensues as hundreds of fans swarm in'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+652, -44] Fans did wrong but also the people who planned the fan signing. They shouldn't have scheduled it in an area like the middle of Seoul.. it's not only EXO that this would've happened to but any artist. Was it that hard for them to provide a safer environment for their fans who bought their cellphones?

2. [+490, -116] Fan signing or whatever, they shouldn't be disturbing others like this. Do they think this is a joke? This is why they always get hated on.

3. [+532, -248] Sigh... stupid fangirls ㅋㅋㅋ Your parents are out there working hours on end for your school fees and to put food on your table while oyu guys are standing around like this with presents in your hands tsk tsk... If you're not studying in that time, you should at least be cleaning the house or massaging your parents' shoulders tsk tsk.

4. [+69, -3] I don't think it's necessarily because of EXO, any artist who has a fan signing in the middle of the road like that will end up like this.

5. [+52, -3] I wouldn't blame the fans... They knew that fans would show up, why hold it in the middle of the street?

6. [+41, -0] Fans and SK are both at fault. They know how popular EXO is and they scheduled it at a location like that? What were they thinking?
