Lee Hyori to make her debut as a producer with SPICA's comeback track

Article: Lee Hyori to make her debut as a producer, composer and lyricist for SPICA's new track

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,104, -39] Lee Hyori does so much for them and yet SPICA still doesn't get any popularity off of it;

2. [+981, -163] Hyori... her skills are really bottom of the barrel level but after meeting Lee Sang Soon, she somehow earned herself an artist image when she's really just a video star... Her singing is so bad.

3. [+791, -119] She's really trying hard to seem like a singer-songwriter

4. [+727, -157] She's not a great composer... I feel like day by day, she tries harder and harder to look smarter than she really is.

5. [+599, -57] I noticed all of SPICA are old... they don't have anything special to pull in a fanbase.. They may be good singers but there's nothing special about them.

6. [+188, -22] Pretty sure Lee Sang Soon did most of the work and Lee Hyori put her name on it

7. [+172, -9] She works so hard to make headlines for them and it never works ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+169, -11] Last year, Lee Hyori helped SPICA with everything and it seems they can't do anything on their own this time as well... I don't think SPICA will get popular no matter how much she helps them at this point.
