Girl's Day's reps update on Hyeri's condition

Article: 'Faint' Hyeri's reps "She's recovering, she'll be back to her schedules after her treatment"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+183, -3] She's going to be back to her schedule ㅡㅡ? Just let her rest for a bit... as if these kids aren't stick skinny enough, you run them through a hellish schedule and make them faint on stage..

2. [+146, -8] I never saw the broadcast but hearing that she fainted after her stage must mean that she pulled through purely based on her willpower... and to have finished the rest of her schedules after getting an IV. She's younger than I am but I look up to her in that aspect.

3. [+116, -4] They're still putting her in the schedules???


Article: Girl's Day reps "Hyeri is doing okay... undecided on 'Music Bank' appearance"

Star News via Naver

1. [+776, -16] She fainted and they're "undecided"?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wonder if they'd still make their own kid go and perform after fainting... I feel so bad for Hyeri.

2. [+594, -9] I bet it's an excessive diet that was the problem. Feed the kids.

3. [+462, -9] I don't want any of those performances, just let her rest and get better.

4. [+421, -15] Poor Hyeri... find strength.

5. [+72, -1] Let her rest at least for the week.. What is their company doing instead of managing their artist? It's a wonder she didn't faint earlier after all the stress o ndieting and fulfilling schedules.
