Anti EXO cafe discovered to be behind 'military exemption' controversy

Article: [Exclusive] Anti EXO cafe discovered... manipulated the 'exempt EXO from the army' controversy

Sports World via Nate

1. [+1,033, -63] I don't like EXO but this is going too far... Really surprised seeing that death portrait

2. [+956, -59] I don't know who EXO are but that picture stuck between the members is from Ilbe ㅡㅡ

3. [+915, -65] Not a fan but I really hate these anti cafes ㅠㅠ If you hate someone, just stop taking an interest in them... It all boils down to personal taste, just respect who people like. Why would you purposely create antis like that .. I really don't understand that death portrait either ㅠㅠ

4. [+105, -3] These guys are complete rookies and haven't gotten into any trouble themselves yet. I can't imagine how much their heads would hurt having to get into all these weird scandals whether they did it or not.

5. [+102, -1] Another Ilbe antic... you can tell from that picture stuck in the death portrait ㅡㅡ

6. [+75, -2] I don't know any of the members in this group nor do I care but this is definitely crossing the line. None of us have been hurt because of EXO and it's not like they've disturbed society with a scandal or anything.

7. [+74, -2] Worst part is that people still use the army exemption controversy to hate on them

8. [+72, -1] Imagine how upset the group's parents feel seeing that death portrait...
