Younha suffers a minor wardrobe malfunction on stage

Article: Younha's belt accident... belt comes off during live performance 'surprise'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+779, -25] Probably because of her abdominal breathing? After all, that powerful voice has to come from somewhere... and she keeps talking about losing weight on Facebook. Why, don't say that ㅠㅠ

2. [+674, -16] Something that could never happen to idols who only open and close their mouths. Oh wait, idols these days (don't even have opportunities for wardrobe malfunctions) since they come out naked anyway...

3. [+531, -11] Wow, you would've never known judging form just her singing since she never faltered once. Shows that she's a true professional, performing without letting it mess her up.

4. [+33, -0] I reckon it's like getting a nose bleed while studying hard.

5. [+29, -2] Seems to be because of her abdominal breathing ^^ Younha fighting!!!

6. [+25, -1] I see a few comments telling her to lose weight... seems there are still people judging singers by their physical appearances. This is why Korea will never foster talents like Adele and only have idols roll around on stage.

7. [+25, -5] Belt: Hold on, I'm going to let Younha unni breathe a little~

8. [+21, -1] What fat does Younha have to lose that you're all telling her to lose weight ㅋㅋㅋ If she's this thin on camera, she must be even thinner in real life.
