Kim Yong Man suspended from KBS for illegal gambling

Article: [Exclusive] Kim Yong Man suspended from KBS for illegal gambling

Source: Sports Korea via Naver

1. [+763, -28] Funny how Kwon Sang Woo still appears on all three broadcasts after his drunk hit and run

2. [+572, -11] Seems Lee Soo Geun affected the case a lot. Brought attention to everyone when he was quietly reflecting.

3. [+453, -15] Can we throw the makjang drama scriptwriters into jail too!!! Really!

4. [+366, -28] Good decision! We can't have gamblers coming out on TV, laughing and chatting away...

5. [+332, -12] Celebrities who cause a social disturbance always follow the same path: test the waters on cable channels before sneaking their way back into public broadcast and acting like nothing happened. Over time, the public forgets and moves on.

6. [+130, -6] Jo Hyung Ki disposed a dead body and he's still out on TV while Kim Yong Man is suspended just for gambling ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+114, -5] Jo Hyung Ki really lucked out on timing. Being caught disposing a dead body now would've earned him an expulsion but he's still out on TV right now

8. [+107, -9] Then what about Jo Hyung Ki and Ryu Shi Won, who both killed someone?

9. [+95, -3] Gambling is something that only impacts them individually but drunk driving, drugs, and assault all impact other people. Please suspend them too.

10. [+97, -16] I know that gambling's bad but this seems a bit overkill. He blew his own money, what's it us what he does with his money?


I Navered the Jo Hyung Ki thing and apparently in 1991, he hit a woman while driving under the influence and she ended up dying on impact. He did not call 911 and dragged her body into the forest and disposed her there before going back to his car to sleep. He was arrested the next morning and sentenced to five years in jail but ended up getting out with one year + bail. He made his smallscreen comeback in 1993.

+ an extra anecdote. A few years later, when Goo Hara guested on 'Sebakwi (quiz that changes the world', Hara, who did not seem to be aware of his past, made a joke about an ice cream getting hit by a car and dying (why? because it's cold, which sounds like 'because a car came' in Korean) and Jo Hyung Ki was spotted overreacting and laughing unnaturally. Then he could be seen glaring at her from the back when she got up to show a dance.
