'Infinity Challenge' criticized for racist 'freshly cooked' caption

Article: 'Infinity Challenge' racist caption?... controversy over 'freshly cooked' caption

Source: Sports Donga via Naver [asian junkie]

1. [+395, -55] There's definitely room to think of it as a racist remark

2. [+288, -32] I'm a hardcore fan of the show but... it's wrong if someone hears it and feels offended by it. I'm sure the producers didn't mean any harm by it and they're probably taken aback by the controversy as well.

3. [+276, -30] It always bothered me to see Haha make fun of Noh Hong Chul for his proportions... and when they invited the Jamaicans and sang Reggae in a joking way. To them, Reggae is like the Arirang to Koreans, something that they're proud of, and it made me uncomfortable to see them treat it like a joke.

4. [+214, -28] Of all the expressions to use, why that... Overseas, they compare blacks to steak as a way to put them down you know ㅡㅡ. Should've studied more, ignorance will lead to problems like this.

5. [+90, -17] This is wrong...

6. [+66, -5] To all the people defending this show, I dare you to go to Itaewon and call a black person 'freshly cooked'.

7. [+67, -9] This is definitely racism, don't even try to shield it

8. [+44, -4] I like the show but.. I definitely felt that it was wrong when I read the caption today. Should be more careful next time. I'm embarrassed of the fans trying to shield this.

9. [+38, -3] I'll believe you that it's not racist if you go to a black neighborhood in New York and scream, "Freshly cooked blacks, be my friend!!" and come back alive.

10. [+37, -3] The minute I read that caption, I knew it was racist... a mistake on the producer's end!!
