10% of Seoul junior high students confess they had "feelings for a classmate of the same sex"

Article: 10% of Seoul junior high school students confess they had "feelings for a classmate of the same sex"

Yonhap News via Nate

1,078 junior high school students in Seoul (524 male, 554 female) were surveyed on questions regarding sexuality.

111 (10.6%) admitted to having experienced feelings for a friend/classmate of the same sex.
62 (5.9%) admitted to worrying about their sexuality.
41 (3.9%) admitted to having thoughts about skinship with a friend of the same sex.
16 (1.5%) admitted to thinking about a sex change.

More male students than female students admitted to having such feelings.

In the same survey done with 1,229 high school students:

88 (7.5%) admitted to having experienced feelings for a friend/classmate of the same sex.
4.8% admitted to worrying about their sexuality.
4% admitted to having thoughts about skinship with a friend of the same sex.
1.4% admitted to thinking about a sex change.

On the topic of viewing/reading pornographic material:

71.3% of 1,053 junior high school students admitted to viewing/reading such material.

34.9% video
18.% pictures
10.4% Japanese animation
7.8% erotica

19% fanfic/yaoi
18.5% erotica


1. [+582, -48] Time will solve everything. Instead of pressuring the students, just let them grow and have everything fall into place. Everything will go where it should be once they become high school students, prepare for college entrance exams, and become college students. It's nothing to make a big deal out of. Just make sure that students with such concerns have a place where they can express them without having to worry about their identities being exposed.

2. [+491, -61] Let's not leave any hateful comments in case there are students who have such concerns reading this article right now. Students, please understand that those feelings aren't bad and it's something anyone can experience. It's a feeling just like any other like what you would feel for an idol, actor, or a teacher you look up to. Like colds or stomach aches, just live on as if they're not a big deal and coughs will subside and you won't even remember you had a stomach ache... These feelings are like that. Don't worry or think yourself to be weird because of it.

3. [+445, -66] Whether female or male, I think a lot of students experience those feelings in their school career. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's normal. You'll go back to who you should be once you enter college.

4. [+36, -4] You never know until you're a fully grown adult... You can start liking people of the same sex in your twenties, or be born a homosexual from the start. Don't worry about these things so seriously or feel sad and hurt over them. It might be a big deal to you now but it'll be something to remember, something that wasn't such a big deal once you become an adult. Even if you grow up to continue liking the same sex, there will be people who will criticize you for that, but remember there are people who understand you just the same.

5. [+34, -28] I think everyone had feelings like this in school at least once?

6. [+23, -5] In school, you're always with your friends and depend on them for everything ㅎㅎㅎ You don't necessarily have to consider yourself les or gay. I think those feelings just come from always being together and depending on each other. Everyone goes through these feelings in their teens so don't worry about it.

7. [+16, -9] Ah... I see. So our children have such thoughts. They're young, I can understand. I believe that when they become adults, they'll come back to being normal. I just hope that people don't lead(?) them down that path. I don't want informational surveys like this to be used to support homosexuality.

8. [+14, -4] I think there are a lot more bisexuals than we think... just that most of them haven't come to terms with it yet.
